Stupa Tsa-tsas for Purification

Stupa Tsa-tsas for Purification

Date Posted:
February 2006

A student wrote to Rinpoche saying that in 1990 Rinpoche’s attendant gave her a stupa, which she kept it on her altar for years. The top of the stupa broke, so she put it with her other Dharma materials that she was going to destroy. The next day she regretted discarding it, but could not find it. It had been haunting her and she wrote to Rinpoche confessing what she had done and asking Rinpoche what purification practice she should do. Rinpoche wrote the following.

My very dear Kristen,
Thank you very much for your kind letter. According to my observations, it would be best for your purification if you make 500 stupa tsa-tsas, not the Tibetan kind, where there are 100 impressions on each mould, but 500 separate stupa tsa-tsas with the four powerful mantras inside them.

After you have made them you can decorate your house and the walls with them. You can make beautiful altars on one wall, with offerings of Christmas lights in front of each stupa. Or you can have them at your gate or in the dining room. You can put all the stupas on a table, piling them up, with many flowers and offerings around them. Then, family and visitors who come to your house can circumambulate around the table and stupas. You can use them for circumambulation, purifying so much negative karma and collecting so much merit every day, which enables you to create the causes to achieve enlightenment every day.

With much love and prayers...