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Below is a listing of advices in the Online Advice Book. They are sorted and grouped by the date posted on our website, with the most recent additions showing first. You can enter a keyword to search for advices containing that term.
Advices posted during the month of October 2005
A student came to see Rinpoche at Vajrapani Buddhist Center in California, with depression problems. She had not seen a psychiatrist. Rinpoche asked the student whether she was depressed regularly, every month or according to some cycle. She...
Rinpoche spoke with a student who explained that difficulties with depression and mental illness ran in her family.
Rinpoche heard that an old student, who had been battling depression intermittently for some time, had recently lapsed into a severe depression. Rinpoche wrote him the following letter, unsolicited.
Rinpoche gave the following advice to a benefactor who was receiving a lot of criticism publicly, to the point where he was contemplating suing for libel.
Rinpoche gave the following advice to an airline stewardess who was receiving a lot of criticism and harm.
Rinpoche heard that a student in Hong Kong wanted to commit suicide. He sent her the following message, and later, she abandoned her idea.
A student brought a friend who had contemplated suicide while depressed to see Rinpoche. Rinpoche gave some advice directly at the time, and the next day sent the following additional suggestions in a letter:
A student's car had broken down on a busy highway in California. She sat stalled in the fast lane as cars speeded past her. Overwhelmed by fear of death, she managed to recite aloud the six-session guru yoga and Tara’s mantra, and held a...
A student from Hong Kong had been very ill with kidney problems. She often found herself frightened at night-time and unable to sleep. She had dreamt three times that she had been fired from her job, that she was vomiting, and that there were...
A student was afraid of flying. Rinpoche gave the following advice.
A German woman had had a fear of snakes since she was a child. At the age of nine, she saw a smashed snake in her parents’ garden, and a woman in Germany, who was clairvoyant but not Buddhist, told her that in a former life she had destroyed...
A student expressed concerns about feeling pride when she helped others.
A student in Wisconsin, USA, wrote the following to Rinpoche: “I would like advice. My mind becomes overwhelmed with pride again and again. I would like to prevent it, but I don’t know how.”
A monk commented to Rinpoche that people tended to avoid him, and didn’t want to be with him. Rinpoche gave the following advice.
A student was experiencing jealousy and criticism from others around her.
Two of Rinpoche’s students were getting married and holding their exchange of vows at a Dharma center in California. Rinpoche wrote these suggestions for how to conduct the marriage ceremony.
A student wanted to divorce her husband, but she was afraid of the negative karma this might generate, so she went to Rinpoche to ask whether divorce creates negative karma or not.
A group of doctors came to see Rinpoche, and one of them raised the topic of dealing with divorce. Here is what Rinpoche said.
The following advice was given to a student in Singapore, who was extremely upset and depressed for months after breaking up with a close partner of ten years.
When a pregnant woman sought Rinpoche’s advice on having an abortion, Rinpoche responded with the following advice.
A student asked Rinpoche about whether to have a child or not.
A student in Hong Kong was wondering whether to have a child or not.
A Taiwanese student had been married more than 12 years, but had not been able to have any children. She told Rinpoche that she and her husband loved each other very much, and had been examined and tested, and, according to Western medicine,...
Rinpoche sent the following letter to a student who had recently had a baby.
Rinpoche suggested this outline as a daily practice for a group of children in Australia.