Rejoice in Ordination

Rejoice in Ordination

Date of Advice:
August 2021
Date Posted:
October 2022

Rinpoche sent this heart advice to someone who had been ordained and had recently disrobed.

Artwork by Lama Zopa Rinpoche.

What you explained, you are extremely fortunate, having been able to keep [vows] for so many years. Remember that and rejoice in the merits of having kept the vows for that many years, that many months, that many weeks, that many days, hours, minutes and seconds. It is most unbelievable, the merits collected.

Please rejoice all the time. The merits collected for years and seconds will be doubled up by rejoicing just one time, so rejoicing that many times in a day would be most unbelievable, unbelievable.

Now please remember the very basics of Buddhism, that the precious human life is in the nature of impermanence. There is gross impermanence and subtle impermanence.

Buddha taught the view of Buddhist philosophy, the four seals. They are: all causative phenomena are impermanent; all contaminated phenomena are suffering; all existence is empty, no self; and the sorrowless state is peaceful, isolated.

If you are not meditating on that, not practicing mindfulness of that, then your life is not in the right Dharma practice and it is difficult for all the rest of the things, the actions you do, to become holy Dharma.

Death can happen at any time. While you eating, death can happen before you finish; while you are going for pipi or kaka, death can happen and you are unable to come back to the bed in your room; while you are writing, death can happen and you do not finish, and so forth.

Now I am busy. I have to go to Maratika, where Padmasambhava achieved Buddha Amitayus, Infinite Life Buddha.

Thank you, this my heart advice. Please still make your life most meaningful as possible. This is most important advice, please keep it.

With much love and prayers ...