I Thought of You Many Times

I Thought of You Many Times

Date Posted:
September 2013

Rinpoche sent this card to a new student and her son.

My very dear Taylor,
I was very, very happy that I met you in India, down below Dharamsala, and we talked a little bit. I am very sorry I did not get to write to you sooner, but I thought of you many, many times in my heart.

Please enjoy these cards and very cute dogs. HA HA HA HA. I really hope you will get this letter; that it doesn’t get lost.

I am here in Wisconsin, Madison, in the United States, at the monastery of my teacher, Geshe Sopa Rinpoche. I will be going to North Carolina to lead a two-week retreat course, then maybe I will go to California or Washington.

With big love and prayers for you and your dynamic, intelligent son. I hope I can see him and your family soon...