Dharma Practice Is So Important

Dharma Practice Is So Important

Date of Advice:
January 2016
Date Posted:
November 2022

Rinpoche made these comments after watching the news about a mass shooting. Rinpoche advised the importance of having centers that teach Dharma correctly.

They don't know this at all, but those people who were killed had karma that they had not purified. They had killed other people [in a previous life], so now the karma has ripened this time and also the shooter is creating results similar to the cause. This is very, very, very important to remember, not only for others but also for ourselves. [Read more about karma here.]

If we don’t want to have enemies, Dharma practice becomes so important. It is of the utmost importance for that reason to learn Dharma, the correct Dharma taught by Buddha. That is why it is so important to have centers, where people can study well and learn correctly the Dharma taught by the Buddha,