LYWA Translations into Portuguese

The following teachings have now been translated into Brazilian Portuguese and are available for download as pdf files. 

 Becoming Your Own Therapist and Make Your Mind an Ocean by Lama Thubten Yeshe. Combined volume, 2nd edition. Becoming Your Own Therapist was translated by Marly Ferreira, and Make Your Mind an Ocean was translated by Luciele Rech and Anna Rech, Centro Shiwa Lha, FPMT Center in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 

First published in 1998, Becoming Your Own Therapist contains three public talks by Lama Yeshe on the general topic of Buddhism. Each lecture is followed by a question and answer session. Although these talks were called lectures, Lama would have each of us use them as a mirror for our minds and look beyond the words, find ourselves, and become our own psychologist.

Make Your Mind an Ocean includes talks on the general topic of the mind given during Lama Yeshe’s and Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s second world tour in 1975. Two of these talks were lunchtime lectures at Melbourne and Latrobe Universities. One was an evening lecture given to the general public. Perhaps of greatest interest is the lecture entitled "A Buddhist Approach to Mental Illness." Lama presented this talk to a group of psychiatrists at Prince Henry's Hospital who were delighted to meet and question Lama, and this historic exchange underscores the difference between Western and Buddhist concepts of mental health.

The Peaceful Stillness of the Silent Mind by Lama Thubten Yeshe. Translated by Luciele Rech and Anna Rech. Teachings from Lama Yeshe’s 1975 visit to Australia. 

Lama Yeshe on mind: "At certain times, a silent mind is very important, but 'silent' does not mean closed. The silent mind is an alert, awakened mind; a mind seeking the nature of reality."