Renovations at the Center

Renovations at the Center

Date Posted:
May 2011

Rinpoche gave the following advice to a center that was about to start major renovations.

There are quite a number of pujas that need to be done just prior to starting the renovations. In some cases, pujas need to be performed while the renovations are being done.

In general, for all this renovation work, you need to do the following practices on the land, in the area of the renovations and before the renovations begin:

  • She nyin dü dog: three times
  • Gyab shi: three times
  • Read the eight thousand stanzas of the Prajnaparamita three times

Regarding expanding the gompa and dining room, it’s important to do:

  • The four pujas of the four protectors: three times
  • Drugchuma puja: eight times

While the renovations are actually being done, it’s important to do:

  • Protector puja and tea offerings each day, in particular degyä, prior to the renovations, and daily while the renovations are being done.

For Zone B, you need to do:

  • Four Mandala Offerings to Tara and also protector prayers, as well as degyä and the protector prayers. Degyä should be done on a daily basis while the renovations are being done

Prior to the renovations in Zone B, you need to do Drugchuma puja three times.