Relics Born from Faith

Relics Born from Faith

Date of Advice:
January 2022
Date Posted:
January 2024

A student saw relics for sale on the internet and asked Rinpoche if they were valid and whether she should buy them.

You can ask me, but my mind is not pure. So many relics are available from Sri Lanka and Burma, so maybe people in those countries make all kinds. I was actually given some relics and I have very small ones. I wonder if they make a lot of money by selling these.

Anyway, it depends so much on faith. How much you able to believe, then you get that many blessings.

You know the story of the old mother who asked her son to bring her the Buddha’s relics, but he always forgot. The last time, he remembered, so on the way home he picked up a dog’s bone and gave it to his mother and said it was a relic of the Buddha. She really believed that it was a relic of Buddha; that she got a real Buddha relic. Then from that bone, small relics were born; the relic pills were born from her strong faith. The condition was the dog’s bone.

For people who bought these relic pills, maybe it’s better not to mention [that they could be fake] if they have already spent their money. Let them believe that they have the Buddha’s relics, then they will get so many blessings. The buddhas can benefit them through that.

I had relics of the Buddha and other great holy beings, but I never saw the relics multiplying. One student, I don’t think she saw Geshe Lama Konchog, but she got his relic and for a long time it has been increasing. She was wearing the relic around her neck. Many people had relics of the Buddha and other highly realized beings, and they multiplied. But for me it has not happened because my mind is like stone.

When people believe this is a buddha’s relic, they pay respect, prostrate, make offerings, circumambulate, etc. Then they get the same merits as actually having paid respect, prostrated, made offerings, circumambulated, etc., to actual relics.

From the sutras, it says that anyone who believes that there’s a buddha, a Mighty One, in front of them, the buddhas are always present for them and always bless their mind and liberate them from all the vices, including delusion and negative karma.