Pleasing the Guru

Pleasing the Guru

Date of Advice:
January 2015
Date Posted:
June 2023

Rinpoche wrote this letter to a monk who was helping at a Dharma center. Rinpoche had heard a lot of praise for how hard he was working.

Lama Zopa Rinpoche adorned with flowers, 2010.

My very dear one,
How are you? I have been hearing excellent news about you. How you work so hard and are dedicated to me and to all sentient beings and to the teachings of the Buddha. You are working so hard and have dedicated your life and this has benefits.

The great, great, great holy being from where the Sakya teachings came, Sakya Pandita, mentioned that even the brightness and heat of the sun cannot produce fire without a magnifying glass. Like that, without the guru, we cannot receive the Buddha’s blessings. Therefore, if the guru is pleased then all the buddhas are pleased.

Therefore, by pleasing the guru all the buddhas are pleased with you, who are the embodiment of all the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha.

I go for refuge to you who are the embodied Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. I go for refuge.

It is mentioned in the Drop of Mahamudra:

Just as fire burns wood and in one second makes ashes,
If the guru is pleased, then your negative karma is burned in a second
And many eons of heavy negative karma are ceased.

Also, Sakya Pandita said,

For a thousand eons you can make charity of your limbs, legs, hands and so forth, and even the merits from that is given back to sentient beings, but you receive all that merit in one second by following the guru’s path.

That means the merit from making charity, from giving your limbs to sentient beings and dedicating that merit for thousands of eons, you achieve in one second when you fulfill the guru’s wishes, the guru’s advice.

Please enjoy your everyday life, every hour, your most meaningful life, every minute, please enjoy.

With much love and prayers ...