Lung After Retreat

Lung After Retreat

Date Posted:
April 2013

After three months of a calm abiding retreat, a student ended up with lung, as Rinpoche had warned, however, the student said it was not so bad that he had to “roll rocks down the hill to quieten the sheep.” He said he had “some deep experiences of lamrim, which were probably intensified due to the kindness of lung.” Two months after leaving the retreat, his lung had settled down, but his health was poor. He asked Rinpoche to suggest any practices or pujas that could help remove his health obstacles.

My very dear one,
Thank you very much for your kind message. I checked and it comes out beneficial for you to recite the Golden Light Sutra three times, then you need to do meditation on Lama Tsongkhapa migtsema to shorten the lung.

Please make your life most meaningful with the thought of bodhicitta day and night and all the time.

Please email back if the situation does not change after you try this.

With much love and prayers...