The Cause of Real Happiness

The Cause of Real Happiness

Date of Advice:
January 2014
Date Posted:
July 2016

Rinpoche handwrote this card for a young student at a center.

My very dear one,

I was very happy to read your words. I hope that you are enjoying the socks!

Are you happy at the center? I am happy you are there, where there are Dharma teachings and you are always doing meaningful things, good things. In this way you are making your life meaningful, happy, so this is very good, not hopeless and always hopeful, meaningful.

That is the cause of real happiness, real peace of mind, and then it grows, the peace of mind grows. Then there is inner peace of mind and ultimate peace of mind, the different levels of happiness that develop and then ultimate happiness, liberation from samsara and liberation from delusion and karma, and full enlightenment—the peerless happiness, all the happiness in future lives, unbelievable! This is not what is known commonly in the world, where some people only work for the happiness in this life, so then they have a very sad life.

I hope you do some short meditations and prayers. That would be very, very good.

Sometimes read and meditate on The Foundation of All Good Qualities or other short lamrim prayers. Read them mindfully, this is very, very good. This makes your life so meaningful and plants the seed of the whole path to enlightenment and in this way brings you to full enlightenment. Also sometimes do Lama Tsongkhapa Guru Yoga. If you can, try to do this every day and to read one short lamrim prayer.

Please tell me if there is something you need to know or if you need help.

Artwork by Lama Zopa RinpocheWith much love and prayers...