Continue With Nyung Näs and Lamrim

Continue With Nyung Näs and Lamrim

Date of Advice:
May 2014
Date Posted:
December 2014

A student had just completed 108 nyung näs. She wrote that the practice had changed the way she thought, and she wished to fully dedicate her life to others. She thanked Rinpoche and the organization, and asked if she could now do 1,000 nyung-nas. 

My very dear one,
You are most welcome to continue the nyung näs. Maybe do 800; in my observation it comes out 800 times. I don’t know why, maybe you become enlightened by that time, I am not sure.

My extra idea is that maybe you study Liberation in the Palm of your Hand. This should be the main lamrim to study, also there is the Middle Lamrim so that is the same as studying the Lamrim Chenmo. It just has more explanation on how to stop wrong views, otherwise it is basically the same.

It is excellent what you thought, to definitely practice Dharma and to have no doubt, and all the changes in your mind, transforming the mind in lamrim realizations, changing from the self-cherishing thought into bodhicitta, from renunciation of attachment to this life and future lives, renunciation of samsara, then ignorance producing the hallucination as truly existence, appearance and believing that is real, changing that into seeing emptiness and subtle dependent arising.

It is so excellent, so good to continue the nyung näs.  It is very good and then also to do meditation on the lamrim.

To begin with, do effortful meditation on the lamrim, so before that you have to study well Liberation in the Palm of Your Hand. You can also read other lamrim texts but the main one is Liberation in the Palm of Your Hand. This is the main commentary, then there is The Essential Nectar or a lamrim outline, for you to use as a meditation guide book. First practice effortful lamrim meditation, then do effortless meditation.

Regarding your request to be my student, yes I accept. I will try and you try.

With billions and zillions of thanks from my heart. It’s like I should give you billions and zillions of dollars to thank you for practicing Dharma, and especially for doing the nyung näs, not just for yourself but for all sentient beings—for the numberless hell beings, numberless hungry ghosts, numberless animals, numberless human beings, numberless sura beings, numberless asura beings and numberless intermediate state beings—to benefit all of them, to free them from the oceans  of samsara and to quickly bring them to the peerless happiness, the total elimination of all the obscurations and the completion of all the realizations.

So please continue to make your life most meaningful with the thought of bodhicitta in every action you do.

With much love and prayers...