Practice Advice After Car Accident 

Practice Advice After Car Accident 

Date of Advice:
January 2014
Date Posted:
January 2015

A student was in a serious car accident and her neck was broken, along with other injuries. She said that she could have died and many people could not believe she had survived. She wrote that the time of death is uncertain, and asked for advice regarding her practice.

My very dear one,
I am very, very sorry for the long delay in replying. I checked about your health and there are some things that you need to do:

1. Liberate 200 animals. Please follow my advice on how to liberate animals, by also taking them around holy objects and blessing water and sprinkling that on the animals.

In my observation this year comes out quite bad for you, so it’s good to continue to think, according to the lamrim, that death can happen any time, day and night. It can happen any time. Continue to think like that, not thinking, “I am going to live a long time, even after the world ends.” Don’t think, “Even after all the American people have disappeared, I am still going to be alive.”

2. Read the Golden Light Sutra four times.

3. Do 800 tsog offerings, for purification and reviving samaya. Do this according to Lama Chöpa. It’s possible this could be done at the upcoming Light of the Path retreat, with everyone. We can see.

4.  Have you received Vajrayogini initiation or not? It came out very good to take Vajrayogini initiation, as an opportunity for enlightenment for sentient beings but also preparation for death.

5. You should do Vajrasattva retreat and recite the mantra 40,000 or 50,000 times.

Then continue as much as possible to live your life with bodhicitta, with the thought of benefiting others day and night. See you soon.

With much love and prayers...